COC Update: Buildings and Troops Get Upgraded This Time
There is something cool awaiting players of Clash of Clans in October 2017. In fact, the COC version 9.256.4 provides a number of features and changes readily available for mobile devices.
Here are the major changes brought about by the new update. First off, the Town Hall 11 troops and buildings get a revamp in the October update. The Valkyries now can be upgraded to Level 6, which would cost 150,000 dark elixir. This would take around 14 days to finish, with training cost of 220 dark elixir.
Golems, on the other hand, can now be upgraded to Level 7. Upgrade cost is 200,000 dark elixir, with an upgrade time of 14 days. The training cost amounts to 900 elixir.
Along with the update, 2 buildings have received a new level. One is the Bomb Tower, which can now upgrade to Level 6 by using 10,000,000 Gold that would reach up to 14 days. Another such update includes the Air Sweeper, which can now get a Level 7 upgrade. The cost per upgrade is 9,600,000 Gold with a duration of 10 days.
The COC version 9.256.4 also brings minor changes to enhance its gameplay. One of them is the Clan Suggestion, which now function to make clan searching much easier. Aside from prioritizing clans based on various activities, it can also highlight clans having a friend as a member.
When a War Attack is going to happen, COC will inform you, which happens even when in Replay Mode. Part of the improvements includes the visual changes to the Clan Badges. Likewise, you can now enjoy Friendly Wars that include 35v35 and 45v45 players.
The said update might depend on the location and other aspects of the game. If you want to get COC updates right away, you can do so by downloading from an online source, where you can get the APK file format.