Back in June, news portals have been reporting that WhatsApp had been including in their beta version a feature that…
In the early years of Dropbox, it started in the consumer market. However, it has made several big steps in…
Google made a name in internet and technology for being one of the best and popular search engines. Over the…
The Creators Update is the latest version released by Windows 10 for PC users. You might not be able to…
Google Drive is another product developed by Google that serves as file storage and synchronization service. This app would allow…
It is important to note that the Home button of your iPhones gets overused over a span of time. This…
As one of the most addictive games out there today, Candy Crush Saga’s main attraction relies on players being able…
The latest iOS 10.3.2 has been released recently with some security improvements and bug fixes. If you are wondering how…
Clash of Clans has received the latest update for Android devices on June 8, 2017. You might not be able…
KeenLab security researchers were able to present a working jailbreak for iOS 10.3.2 and iOS 11 beta at MOSEC 2017.…